
Aeotec Garage Door Controller - GEN5

Artikelnummer: ZW062
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Aeon Labs Garage Door Controller

Make your garage a part of your connected home.?

The garage door is one of the most overlooked yet frequently used entrances to your home. Aeotec’s Garage Door Controller brings the intelligence of the connected-home and Z-Wave to it. Easily connected to your door’s existing motor, Garage Door Controller enhances it with a suite of security and safety sensors.

Always aware.

Monitor and control your garage door via a smart phone and an Internet connected Z-Wave hub from anywhere in the world.

Complete package.

Garage Door Controller comes with everything you need: the controller, a tilt sensor, and accessories.


Tilt sensor lets you receive notifications when your garage door is opened and shouldn’t be.

Entry log.

Keep a time log of when the garage door has been opened or closed, and receive remote notification when that happens.

Z-Wave inside.

Garage Door Controller is powered by Z-Wave Plus, Aeotec’s Gen5 technology and acts as a Z-Wave repeater.

Security controller.

Automatically set security cameras connected to your Z-Wave system to record when your door is opened or closed.

Smart controller.

The smart motor controller is 1 of the 2 parts that makes Garage Door Controller so powerful. Built upon Z-Wave, it connects to your garage door’s existing motor, and is brimming with control and safety features.

Secure garage door.

Your garage door is an entry to your home and to your valuables. It needs to be secured. While some garage door motors are easily overridden or wirelessly hacked, Aeotec’s Garage Door Controller has been hardened to prevent such security issues.

128 bit encryption.
Powered by Aeotec’s Gen5 technology, Garage Door Controller uses encrypted wireless signals to communicate with a Z-Wave network. Gen5 uses the same level of encryption as banks; AES 128-bit.

Z-Wave network.
The wireless technology used defines how susceptible a device is to attack. Garage Door Controller uses Z-Wave Plus, and avoids WiFi and open communication frequencies commonly used by criminals.

Safe garage door.

Garage Door Controller doesn’t just keep your garage safe from intruders, it keeps your loved ones and property safe from the garage dooritself. Garage Door Controller meets all the regulations of UL325, the safety standard that defines how professional garage door motors should operate. With its own safety features and warning systems built in, Garage Door Controller isn’t just compliant with UL325’s stringent requirements – it also never overrides the basic safety functions that your door already offers.

Visual warnings.
Garage Door Controller indicates when your garage door is about to open or close with visual warnings. Inbuilt within its push button are 8 different LEDs that’ll flash for X seconds before your garage door or gate moves.

Audio warnings.
In the event that the visual warnings are missed or can’t be seen, Garage Door Controller also offers a speaker system rated to 105dB. Preloaded with tones, and with the ability to upload your own MP3s, Garage Door Controller will also sound for X seconds before your garage door or gate moves.

All the accessories you need.

Garage Door Controller ships with everything you need to make your existing garage or gate controller a part of your connected-home. From the cables you need to connect it to a motor, to the USB cable you can use to optionally change its MP3 tones, Garage Door Controller is the complete package.

Power supply
Power your Garage Door Controller with only 5 volts.

USB cable
Upload up to 100 different alerts to your controller via USB.

Cable and clips
Simply connect the controller to your motor via its dry input / output interface.

Mounting accessories
Simple mount the controller to a wall using the provided mounting plate and screws.

Skriv en recension

Vad är Z-Wave Plus?

Z-Wave Plus™ är en certifiering som är utvecklad för att hjälpa användare att identifiera produkter som använder den "nya generationen" även känd som "500 serien" av Z-Wave hårdvara. Z-Wave Plus™ erbjuder en drös med olika extra funktioner och möjligheter som förbättrar ditt användande och gör att installationen av Z-Wave enheter blir enklare.

Z-Wave har varit ledande på marknaden inom driftskompatibla smarta enheter för hemmet sedan 2004. Med introduktionen av Next-Gen (Z-Wave 500 serien) hårdvaran så såg Z-Wave nya möjligheter, inkluderat med längre räckvidd, längre batteritid, Over The Air uppgradering (OTA), fler RF kanaler och mycket mer. Allt detta och dom är bakåtkompatibla med existerande Z-Wave enheter.

För konsumenter, husägare, integratörer och tjänsteleverantörer så blev denna uppgradering väldigt fördelsfull i termerna av mycket enklare installation, rikare enhetsprofiler, förbättrad självläkning och längre batteritid.


  • 50% Längre batteritid
  • 67% Längre räckvidd
  • 250% Mer bandbredd
  • 3 F kanaler för förbättrad störningsskydd och högre bandbredd
  • Ny Plug-n-Play nätverks-bred inkluderingsprocess
  • Förbättrad självläkning och feltolerans med Explorer Frame funktion
  • Standardiserad metod för Over the Air firmware uppdateringar (OTA)
  • Förbättrad information för produkt certifierings databasen

För att vara säker på vad som är Z-Wave Plus certifierat så notera denna bild över produktbilderna på vår hemsida (Z-Wave Plus)

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Controller Status Kommentar
ZNet Lite V2 Enheten fungerar helt och hållet
Home Center HC3 Enheten fungerar helt och hållet i HC2 och HCL
Homey Enheten fungerar helt och hållet
Nexa Enheten fungerar inte helt och hållet
Zipabox Enheten fungerar inte helt och hållet