
LigoWave LigoDLB 5-20ac

Article no.: DLB-5-20AC
Delivery time: Back order item
LigoDLB 5-20ac has two main uses: Point-to-Point with up to 500+ Mbit/s in practical capacity. Up to 15 km (2 LigoDLB 5-20ac). As receiver in a Point-to-Multipoint network (with e.g. LigoDLB PRO 5-90-17 as base station) The built-in spectrum analyzer provides full control ov... read more
1 879 kr

LigoDLB 5-20ac has two main uses:

Point-to-Point with up to 500+ Mbit/s in practical capacity. Up to 15 km (2 LigoDLB 5-20ac).
As receiver in a Point-to-Multipoint network (with e.g. LigoDLB PRO 5-90-17 as base station)
The built-in spectrum analyzer provides full control over the frequency bands in the area.

The high data capacity makes it perfect as, for example, a radio link for video surveillance in HD.

Small but effective
The unit is small and compact (approx. 19x19 cm) but still has a built-in cross-polarized highly efficient 20 dBi antenna. Like the base station, it has a fast 750 MHz CPU, advanced radio module and lots of memory.

Whether you are building WIFI-based city networks or if you are just looking for a business solution with high reliability, long range and high capacity, the LigoWave DLBac series is your first choice for a flexible solution that handles both PTP and PTMP.

The LigoDLBac series is based on a fast 750 MHz Qualcomm Atheros 9563 CPU and an advanced Qualcomm Atheros 9882 radio which makes them not only fast but also gives them very high packet capacity even over long distances.

Actual capacity
In the context of radio links, not specified radio speed is all you have to consider (DLBac has an 866 Mbit/s 802.11ac radio). The ability to prioritize traffic and handle large amounts of data packets even under poor signal conditions will be the difference between good and bad products. If you use simple consumer products for radio links, you soon discover that two different products that have similar specs on paper do not have the same capacity at all in reality.

The LigoDLBac series provides over 500 Mbit/s in practical throughput and handles up to 65,000 packets per second. It is the parameters that count.

Built-in tools
LigoDLB 5-20ac is easy to install via visual alignment tools such as signal meters on the outside and alignment tools in the web interface.

The built-in LinkTest function allows you to quickly test the radio link. One button press measures speed and packets per second across different packet sizes. So you quickly see that you get the right speed over the link.


LigoWave LigoDLB 5-20ac DLB-5-20AC

iPoll3 protocol to handle many clients over long distances
Common WIFI protocols (HWC) do not work over long distances and especially not in MultiPoint solutions. LigoWave has developed the iPoll protocol, which optimizes traffic flow even at distances of several kilometers in a Point-to-MultiPoint context. The client devices are synchronized via polling functions that ensure that all clients only send data on command in the correct order and thus are allocated maximum capacity according to the applicable QoS.

If you are to run VoIP, network traffic or VPN tunnels over your WIFI links, you will definitely notice the difference compared to other solutions.

High voltage protected
High voltage protected with 3kV Line-to-ground and 1kV Line-to-Line provides good protection against lightning and unstable electrical installations.

LinkCalc tool
LigoWave also has free customer tools to calculate range and speeds. Insert your base stations with antenna height on the map and see calculated coverage areas according to height maps. LinkCalc has all the technical information about the different devices so you just select models and LinkCalc presents expected coverage areas.

You can use LinkCalc both to calculate Point-to-Point and Point-to-MultiPont installations.

Cloud or On Premise server management
LigoWave offers On Premise management for you who have many devices and want to manage everything within your own network. But for smaller installations or scattered installations, find a Cloud management. You (or your customer) get an account in the Cloud Controller for up to 10 devices completely free of charge.

ATTENTION! All specified maximum lengths between units are dependent on the selected country's maximum output power and on external circumstances.

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