
Fibaro Double Switch 2 (2x1,15kW)

Article no.: FGS-223
Availability: 12st
The second generation of insert switches from Fibaro. Fibaro Double Switch 2 is an insert switch with energy measurement that is placed behind a switch and enables remote control of lights and other electronics in your smart home. The Double Switch is a device with dual contro... read more
669 kr

The second generation of insert switches from Fibaro.

Fibaro Double Switch 2 is an insert switch with energy measurement that is placed behind a switch and enables remote control of lights and other electronics in your smart home. The Double Switch is a device with dual controllable channels that fits well with a crown switch to control two connected devices separately or together. The switch measures 42.5 x 38.25 x 20.3mm (wxlxh) and has a maximum power of 1.15kW per channel. The maximum power is calculated on resistive loads such as light bulbs, electric radiators, etc.

Since you can connect this unit to an already existing switch, the physical buttons will still be able to control the lighting and so you can easily create scenes and other fun for that e.g. turn on lights when the sun has gone down or if someone has opened the front door, etc.

The energy measurement means that you can easily keep track of your energy consumption and save data to measure differences from month to month / year to year.


As this is the second generation of insert switches from Fibaro, this means it is Z-Wave Plus. If you are not sure what the advantages of Z-Wave Plus are, you can read more a little further down!


  • Built-in mechanism for activating scenes
  • Communication classes for security and notification
  • Configurable via LED diode on the device
  • Latest Z-Wave 500 series
  • Z-Wave Plus protocol
  • Energy measurement of connected devices
  • Supports Z-Wave Secure mode, encrypted with AES-128
  • A complex control system for each channel
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  • A complex system with scene activation for each channel (scene management)
  • 1 to 3 clicks and hold button for 4 different actions
  • Very accurate energy measurement +/- 1% in accuracy
  • Smart notification
  • User-friendly configuration menu
  • Z-Wave network testing tester
Spänning 230 V
Temperaturområde 0-35°C
Dimensioner 42,5 x 38,2 x 20,3 mm
För installation i apparatdosor 50 mm
Max I 6.5A per kanal, max 10A för båda kanalerna
Anläggningskrav Avsäkras max 10A i elcentral
Enhet regleras via Radio / tryckknapp
Radiostandard Z-Wave plus
Effekt radiosignal 1mW
Radiofrekven 868,4 MHz (EU)
Räckvidd Upp till 50 m utomhus, upp till 30 m inomhus
Spänning 230 V
Temperaturområde 0-35°C
Dimensioner 42,5 x 38,2 x 20,3 mm
För installation i apparatdosor 50 mm
Max I 6.5A per kanal, max 10A för båda kanalerna
Anläggningskrav Avsäkras max 10A i elcentral
Enhet regleras via Radio / tryckknapp
Radiostandard Z-Wave plus
Effekt radiosignal 1mW
Radiofrekven 868,4 MHz (EU)
Räckvidd Upp till 50 m utomhus, upp till 30 m inomhus

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What is Z-Wave Plus?

Z-Wave Plus™ is a certification developed to help users identify products that use the "new generation" also known as the "500 series" of Z-Wave hardware. Z-Wave Plus™ offers a bunch of extra functions and possibilities that improve your use and make the installation of Z-Wave devices easier.

Z-Wave has been the market leader in interoperable smart home devices since 2004. With the introduction of Next-Gen (Z-Wave 500 series) hardware, Z-Wave saw new opportunities, including longer range, longer battery life, Over The Air upgrade (OTA), more RF channels and much more. All this and they are backwards compatible with existing Z-Wave devices.

For consumers, home owners, integrators and service providers, this upgrade turned out to be very beneficial in terms of much easier installation, richer device profiles, improved self-healing and longer battery life.


  • 50% Longer battery life
  • 67% Longer range
  • 250% More Bandwidth
  • 3 F channels for improved interference protection and higher bandwidth
  • New Plug-n-Play network-wide inclusion process
  • Improved self-healing and fault tolerance with Explorer Frame function
  • Standardized method for Over the Air firmware updates (OTA)
  • Improved information for the product certification database

To be sure what is Z-Wave Plus certified, note this image above the product images on our website (Z-Wave Plus)

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