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Raspberry 2 EU
Availability: 5st
RaZberry 2 EU är av senaste modellen
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The RaZberry2 turns every Raspberry PI into a Z-Wave Home Automation Gateway. The bundle of hardware and precompiled Z-Wave wireless network management software waits to be completed by your own user interface running in a web browser or a mobile phone. The Z-Wave software offers an easy to understand and easy to use interface applying the well-known Java Script interface technology JSON on a built in web server. Writing your own home automation app was never easier and never more affordable.
The RaZberry 2 has an optimized antenna so that this module can now achieve a range of up to 200 meters.
The RaZberry consists of four parts:
- Z-Wave transceiver pluggable to the GPIO interface of the Raspberry PI
- Optimized transceiver firmware running on the Z-Wave transceiver chip
- Certified Z-Wave communication stack Z-Way - running on the Raspberry PI and offering a web based interface
- Z-Way AJAX based demo User Interface for easy access to all Z-Wave functions of Z-Way and as a reference for own User Interface enhancements.
Please note: The package includes only the Z-Wave plug-and the necessary software. The Raspberry Pi baseboard is NOT included. More information is available on the website RaZberry razberry.z-wave.me.
What is Z-Wave Plus?
Z-Wave Plus™ is a certification developed to help users identify products that use the "new generation" also known as the "500 series" of Z-Wave hardware. Z-Wave Plus™ offers a bunch of extra functions and possibilities that improve your use and make the installation of Z-Wave devices easier.
Z-Wave has been the market leader in interoperable smart home devices since 2004. With the introduction of Next-Gen (Z-Wave 500 series) hardware, Z-Wave saw new opportunities, including longer range, longer battery life, Over The Air upgrade (OTA), more RF channels and much more. All this and they are backwards compatible with existing Z-Wave devices.
For consumers, home owners, integrators and service providers, this upgrade turned out to be very beneficial in terms of much easier installation, richer device profiles, improved self-healing and longer battery life.
- 50% Longer battery life
- 67% Longer range
- 250% More Bandwidth
- 3 F channels for improved interference protection and higher bandwidth
- New Plug-n-Play network-wide inclusion process
- Improved self-healing and fault tolerance with Explorer Frame function
- Standardized method for Over the Air firmware updates (OTA)
- Improved information for the product certification database
To be sure what is Z-Wave Plus certified, note this image above the product images on our website ()